Character Study, Design, and Thumbnails
I’ve wanted to write this blog post for a while now. However, I’ve been working on other components of the project, such as the comic script and the thumbnails. I haven’t been too focused on character design. But it’s constantly on my mind, and I can at least go through my process of adapting a character and character design in general. We’ll also talk about thumbnails because that’s been my main focus as of late. Enjoy!
I decided to go back to my roots for this project. How did I get better at drawing? By drawing a butt-ton of test sketches before going in for real. The only way to get better at something is to do it regularly. And thus I began to play around. I wanted the character to emote while also being aware that I’m drawing a robot. So the expressions will be limited. Furthermore, in the show I’m adapting, only one of the robots can blink—the rest can’t. And that’s only true to the Role-play, not the original game. I’m still not used to the character but I’m on the right track to getting the change of drawing FNAF characters.